NIMH News Feed This workshop will be a 3-day interactive event with targeted and coordinated presentations, panel discussions, and demonstrations with the following goals: 1. Foster the development of data standards for the integration and annotation of single-cell genomics data. 2. Systemize and automate the process of data to information to knowledge and develop pipelines […]Continue reading

MIT News – Artificial intelligence Speaking at the “Generative AI: Shaping the Future” symposium on Nov. 28, the kickoff event of MIT’s Generative AI Week, keynote speaker and iRobot co-founder Rodney Brooks warned attendees against uncritically overestimating the capabilities of this emerging technology, which underpins increasingly powerful tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard. “Hype […]Continue reading

NIMH News Feed NIMH is hosting a Facebook Live event on childhood irritability featuring NIMH expert Dr. Melissa Brotman, chief of the Neuroscience and Novel Therapeutics Unit in the Intramural Research Program. Go to Source 25/10/2023 – 09:02 /National Institute of Mental Health Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

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