AWS Machine Learning Blog The telecommunications industry is more competitive than ever before. With customers able to easily switch between providers, reducing customer churn is a crucial priority for telecom companies who want to stay ahead. To address this challenge, Dialog Axiata has pioneered a cutting-edge solution called the Home Broadband (HBB) Churn Prediction Model. […]Continue reading

Psychology Today: The Latest Have you ever wondered how therapists think, feel, and act? Here are 10 things about how therapists approach their work, some of which may be a bit of a surprise. Go to Source 23/04/2024 – 21:03 /David Susman, Ph.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Psychology Today: The Latest Do you ever feel alone, misunderstood, or stigmatized among friends who are parents? Here are resources for finding information focused on the many people like you. Go to Source 01/03/2024 – 18:02 /Kate Kaufmann Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

MIT News – Artificial intelligence Anyone who has ever tried to pack a family-sized amount of luggage into a sedan-sized trunk knows this is a hard problem. Robots struggle with dense packing tasks, too. For the robot, solving the packing problem involves satisfying many constraints, such as stacking luggage so suitcases don’t topple out of […]Continue reading

Psychology Today The path of life is ever changing, but love is constant. Go to Source December 12, 2022 – 8:39 pm /Ahron Friedberg M.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

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