The Local Police in Copenhagen have announced that stop and search zones put in place following a spate of knife violence in the Danish capital will now be lifted, after no further incidents occurred in the last week. Go to Source January 19, 2023 – 9:05 pm / Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

The Local The årsopgørelse or annual tax return will be released by the Danish Tax Authority, Skattestyrelsen, on March 13th this year, meaning taxpayers will be able to check whether they are due money back from their contributions in 2022. Go to Source January 19, 2023 – 6:04 pm / Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Categories RSS Feed Learn about quiet hiring, the top HR trend now, and how it might work into talent management strategies. Go to Source January 19, 2023 – 9:03 am /Francesca Di Meglio Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

15Five Each time your organization loses a great employee, it hurts. Though some regrettable turnover is inevitable and expected, when too many of those losses start stacking up, the entire employee experience can topple over like dominoes. The impact of employee turnover—particularly regrettable turnover—can be felt throughout a company, from dips in productivity to wounded […]Continue reading

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