MIT News – Artificial intelligence Digital technologies, such as smartphones and machine learning, have revolutionized education. At the McGovern Institute for Brain Research’s 2024 Spring Symposium, “Transformational Strategies in Mental Health,” experts from across the sciences — including psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, computer science, and others — agreed that these technologies could also play a significant […]Continue reading

AWS Machine Learning Blog Amazon Q is a new generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered assistant designed for work that can be tailored to your business. Amazon Q can help you get fast, relevant answers to pressing questions, solve problems, generate content, and take actions using the data and expertise found in your company’s information repositories and […]Continue reading

AWS Machine Learning Blog In today’s data-driven business landscape, the ability to efficiently extract and process information from a wide range of documents is crucial for informed decision-making and maintaining a competitive edge. However, traditional document processing workflows often involve complex and time-consuming manual tasks, hindering productivity and scalability. In this post, we discuss an […]Continue reading

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