Psychology Today: The Latest Therapists and coaches purposefully avoid giving advice as no one can fully know your lived experience. Therapy is about your identified needs, not your therapist’s opinions. Go to Source 26/07/2024 – 11:37 /Julie Radico Psy.D. ABPP Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Psychology Today: The Latest The Overview Effect, experienced by astronauts viewing Earth from space, can transform mental health by fostering a sense of interconnectedness and compassion. Go to Source 26/07/2024 – 11:37 /Sarah Abedi M.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Psychology Today: The Latest Do you sometimes feel that people are misleading you with facts? Learn how to optimize your relationships by raising the standard for honesty and trust. Go to Source 26/07/2024 – 11:37 /Daniel S. Lobel Ph.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

NIMH News Feed This webinar will introduce a range of approaches to meaningfully integrate individuals with lived experiences of psychiatric disabilities into mental health research. Go to Source 26/07/2024 – 11:37 /National Institute of Mental Health Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

AWS Machine Learning Blog Amazon Q Business is a fully managed, generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered assistant that helps enterprises unlock the value of their data and knowledge. With Amazon Q, you can quickly find answers to questions, generate summaries and content, and complete tasks by using the information and expertise stored across your company’s various […]Continue reading

NIMH News Feed Hello kids, meet Jane the Brain! In this fun and colorful video series from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Jane, our super-smart and friendly animated character, helps kids understand big feelings like stress, frustration, and sadness. Join Jane as she explores ways to handle these emotions with relatable situations and […]Continue reading

AWS Machine Learning Blog As conversational artificial intelligence (AI) agents gain traction across industries, providing reliability and consistency is crucial for delivering seamless and trustworthy user experiences. However, the dynamic and conversational nature of these interactions makes traditional testing and evaluation methods challenging. Conversational AI agents also encompass multiple layers, from Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) […]Continue reading

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