Improve Your HR “As a woman, you have to be less aggressive.” This is an actual phrase from a performance review I reported on in 2022. Two years later, we’re still seeing the same problems. And I’m not just basing that on anecdotes about others’ reviews. According to a study by the software company Textio, 88 percent of high-performing women receive feedback […]Continue reading

Human Resources News – Human Resources News Headlines | Q. Planning is underway for next year. How can we accelerate our decision-making and our results? A. Management often plans what to do. But there are two parts that can be optimized. First, a significant part of planning that many teams overlook is to determine […]Continue reading

hr bartender Estimated reading time: 3 minutes After every election, there’s a period where the news is very focused on what’s going to happen in the new administration. Even when the current president is reelected. And especially when the current president is not. The conversation isn’t just focused on what’s going to happen but when […]Continue reading

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