NIMH News Feed This webinar will discuss different hypotheses about agricultural suicide in the context of current epidemiological research, and examine the effectiveness of telehealth, farming stress hotlines, and clinical opportunities and challenges in addressing suicide within the agriculture community. Go to Source 30/08/2023 – 09:03 /National Institute of Mental Health Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Coronavirus | The Guardian Six weeks of hearings have seen arguments about pandemic planning bound up with old battles over Brexit and austerity• Covid inquiry hears call for more cash for public healthSome witnesses made tearful apologies; others defiantly denied fault. After six weeks of hearings at the UK Covid-19 public inquiry, the evidence about […]Continue reading

AWS Machine Learning Blog Public health organizations have a wealth of data about different types of diseases, health trends, and risk factors. Their staff has long used statistical models and regression analyses to make important decisions such as targeting populations with the highest risk factors for a disease with therapeutics, or forecasting the progression of […]Continue reading

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