Organizational & Employee Development An analysis of LinkedIn data is the latest evidence of the growing recognition of human resources as a business-critical function since the onset of the COVID-19… Go to Source February 8, 2023 – 9:02 am / Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

15Five Each time your organization loses a great employee, it hurts. Though some regrettable turnover is inevitable and expected, when too many of those losses start stacking up, the entire employee experience can topple over like dominoes. The impact of employee turnover—particularly regrettable turnover—can be felt throughout a company, from dips in productivity to wounded […]Continue reading

Categories RSS Feed Discover how the evolution of Human Resources is leading to improved employee engagement, increased diversity, a focus on recruitment and retention, and a greater emphasis on talent management. Go to Source October 18, 2022 – 9:09 am /Francesca Di Meglio Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Organizational & Employee Development Jessica Rush knew as a third-grade student that she wanted to follow in her dad’s footsteps and work in human resources. The C-suite executive shared advice for pursuing… Go to Source August 13, 2022 – 6:06 am / Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

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