NIMH News Feed This webinar will present a conceptual framework for investigating the impact of cultural factors on mental health within American Indian communities. It will also present emerging findings from community-engaged research in this field. Go to Source 31/08/2024 – 00:50 /National Institute of Mental Health Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

AWS Machine Learning Blog What is the optimal framework and configuration for hosting large language models (LLMs) for text-generating generative AI applications? Despite the abundance of options for serving LLMs, this is a hard question to answer due to the size of the models, varying model architectures, performance requirements of applications, and more. The Amazon […]Continue reading

Coronavirus | The Guardian David Alexander of UCL says new framework merely ‘an attempt to tinker with the system’Experts in national disaster preparedness have warned that the UK’s post-pandemic resilience plan requires “wholesale, radical rewriting” and said the government was failing to keep the public sufficiently safe.Bruce Mann, former director of the Cabinet Office civil […]Continue reading

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