National Artificial Intelligence Initiative A joint Department of Defense team executed 12 flight tests in which artificial intelligence, or AI, agents piloted the X-62A Variable Stability In-Flight Simulator Test Aircraft, or VISTA, to perform advanced fighter maneuvers at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., Dec. 1-16, 2022. Supporting organizations included the U.S. Air Force Test Center, […]Continue reading

National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Members of U.S. Strategic Command’s Advanced Warfare Capabilities Division (J81) for Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) Modeling and Simulation (M&S) hosted a Technical Interchange Meeting on Jan, 10-11, bringing together more than 40 M&S specialists from government, academia, and business to chart a course for the future of EMS campaign modeling, simulation, and […]Continue reading

National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Spacecraft and mission hardware designed by an artificial intelligence may resemble bones left by some alien species, but they weigh less, tolerate higher structural loads, and require a fraction of the time parts designed by humans take to develop. “They look somewhat alien and weird,” Research Engineer Ryan McClelland said, “but […]Continue reading

Danish Medicines Agency As part of the Accelerating Clinical Trials in the EU (ACT EU) initiative, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) and the European Commission (EC) are establishing a multi-stakeholder platform to improve clinical trials in the European Union (EU). The multi-stakeholder platform will support discussions across the clinical […]Continue reading

NIMH News Feed Suicide Prevention & Implementation Research InitiaTive (SPIRIT) to reduce suicide attempts and deaths by suicide through implementation and evaluation of a suicide prevention program across different sectors (health, social, education, agriculture). Go to Source August 30, 2022 – 12:08 am /National Institute of Mental Health Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

NIMH News Feed Suicide Prevention & Implementation Research InitiaTive (SPIRIT) to reduce suicide attempts and deaths by suicide through implementation and evaluation of a suicide prevention program across different sectors (health, social, education, agriculture). Go to Source August 30, 2022 – 12:08 am /National Institute of Mental Health Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

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