NIMH News Feed This workshop will be a 3-day interactive event with targeted and coordinated presentations, panel discussions, and demonstrations with the following goals: 1. Foster the development of data standards for the integration and annotation of single-cell genomics data. 2. Systemize and automate the process of data to information to knowledge and develop pipelines […]Continue reading

AWS Machine Learning Blog Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) is a managed live streaming solution that is designed to provide a quick and straightforward setup to let you build interactive video experiences and handles interactive video content from ingestion to delivery. With the increased usage of live streaming, the need for effective content moderation […]Continue reading

The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog Figure 1: “Interactive Fleet Learning” (IFL) refers to robot fleets in industry and academia that fall back on human teleoperators when necessary and continually learn from them over time. In the last few years we have seen an exciting development in robotics and artificial intelligence: large fleets of robots […]Continue reading

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