AWS Machine Learning Blog This is a guest post co-written with the leadership team of Iambic Therapeutics. Iambic Therapeutics is a drug discovery startup with a mission to create innovative AI-driven technologies to bring better medicines to cancer patients, faster. Our advanced generative and predictive artificial intelligence (AI) tools enable us to search the vast […]Continue reading

Psychology Today: The Latest Effective leadership coaching is not inherently tied to race or gender; it’s about the skills, know-how, and interpersonal connection between coach and client. Go to Source 13/03/2024 – 03:04 /James M. Kerr Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

15Five I’m filled with gratitude and optimism as we make a leadership change at 15Five. After co-founding this company nearly 14 years ago, I’ve decided now is the time to transition into the Executive Chairman role. Jim Morrisroe, our Chief Operating Officer, will take the reins as CEO.  As I’ve reflected on our progress at […]Continue reading

15Five ‘Servant leadership’ is all the rage. But too many leaders aren’t actually serving their people — they’re managing job descriptions.  They’re thinking about how best to manage salespeople, engineers, and HR specialists, instead of considering Sandra, Bryan, and Mohinder, the individuals. But managing the actual people, behind the roles, is how you build an […]Continue reading

Psychology Today: The Latest New research identifies six, specific leadership practices that foster meaningful work. Go to Source 05/10/2023 – 00:02 /Paula Davis J.D., M.A.P.P. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Leadership In an age of over-communication, every company needs a clear plan. Remote and hybrid working arrangements have amped up the importance of communication tools, but using just one method won’t do. Most companies use email, videoconferencing, instant messaging, texts, project management platforms, … Go to Source December 16, 2022 – 6:04 pm / Twitter: […]Continue reading

Leadership Time management expert Laura Vanderkam shares five key insights from her new book that will help you make time to be your best self. Laura Vanderkam is sought after as a speaker about time management and productivity. She is the author of many time management books, has a TED Talk that has been … […]Continue reading

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