PsycPORT™: Psychology Newswire Children without special needs can feel like they are “see-through,” as though they are made of glass, in families with special needs children. Go to Source 27/04/2024 – 03:03 / Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Psychology Today: The Latest Raising teens with special needs is a dance and a balance between knowing your child’s abilities and challenging them. Go to Source 23/04/2024 – 15:03 /Liz Nissim-Matheis Ph.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Coronavirus | The Guardian Failure to tackle post-pandemic needs was ‘massive missed opportunity’, say council directorsChildren’s services leaders have called for a national “plan for childhood” to transform the health, emotional wellbeing and life chances of a generation of youngsters scarred by austerity and the pandemic.In a withering assessment of the government’s record over the […]Continue reading

Coronavirus | The Guardian Young people’s needs were forgotten, with no one made responsible by UK government for ensuring their rights were met, says legal expertChildren were disproportionately affected by pandemic policies, with their voices not listened to and no one made responsible by the government for ensuring their legal rights were met, the Covid […]Continue reading

Leadership In an age of over-communication, every company needs a clear plan. Remote and hybrid working arrangements have amped up the importance of communication tools, but using just one method won’t do. Most companies use email, videoconferencing, instant messaging, texts, project management platforms, … Go to Source December 16, 2022 – 6:04 pm / Twitter: […]Continue reading

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