NIMH News Feed Psychosis, a condition marked by a loss of touch with reality, is distressing for those who experience it and their loved ones. If left untreated, psychosis can have serious impacts on people’s lives. But the good news is there’s hope. In this episode, we talk with Dr. Robert Heinssen, a leader in […]Continue reading

NIMH News Feed NIMH expert Sarah H. Lisanby, M.D. will describe common types of brain stimulation therapies, and why they are used, dispel misconceptions, and highlight NIMH-supported research in this area. Go to Source 18/04/2024 – 06:01 /National Institute of Mental Health Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

NIMH News Feed The directors of the Practice-Based Suicide Prevention Research Centers will provide an overview of each of the projects and help each other achieve their common mission. Go to Source 28/03/2024 – 06:03 /National Institute of Mental Health Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

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