Psychology Today: The Latest Alienated children can be manipulated by one parent to ask for things that don’t make sense, whether it is a new puppy or ice cream for breakfast. What should a targeted parent do? Go to Source 25/04/2024 – 21:03 /Amy J.L. Baker Ph.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Psychology Today: The Latest Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) do not only right historical wrongs. When we factor in brain research, we see they could act as pain medication for the agony of racism. Go to Source 25/04/2024 – 21:03 /Jennifer Fraser Ph.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Psychology Today: The Latest In science fiction, from “I Robot” to “Star Trek,” eventually, the question comes up: “Are robots people?” AI humanoid robots are coming. Are we ready? Go to Source 25/04/2024 – 21:03 /Jeffrey N Pickens Ph.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Psychology Today: The Latest Great relationships are not an accident. Extraordinary couples learn and practice what I call the Passion Triangle: intimacy, thrill, and sensuality. Go to Source 25/04/2024 – 18:03 /Cheryl Fraser Ph.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Psychology Today: The Latest Optimism offers numerous mental and physical health benefits. Explore three optimistic mindsets—realistic, cruel, and tragic optimism—and discover the uses of each. Go to Source 25/04/2024 – 18:03 /Meg Selig Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Psychology Today: The Latest Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) appears effective in treating myriad psychological conditions. A case study is presented demonstrating how it may optimally work. Go to Source 25/04/2024 – 18:03 /John G. Cottone Ph.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

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