Psychology Today: The Latest Detailed comparative research clearly shows that diverse animals are sentient and have rich and deep emotional lives. In the past 20 years, research in this field has exploded. Go to Source 26/04/2024 – 09:03 /Marc Bekoff Ph.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

NIMH News Feed The directors of the Practice-Based Suicide Prevention Research Centers will provide an overview of each of the projects and help each other achieve their common mission. Go to Source 28/03/2024 – 06:03 /National Institute of Mental Health Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Coronavirus | The Guardian New research findings are contrary to what had previously been thought about pandemic’s effect on children’s wellbeingTeenage boys were hit hardest by the Covid lockdowns, with their mental health failing to recover despite the return to normality, according to the most comprehensive academic study of its kind.Early research into how lockdown […]Continue reading

Apple Machine Learning Research This paper was accepted at The 5th AAAI Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelligence. Personalized recommendations form an important part of today’s internet ecosystem, helping artists and creators to reach interested users, and helping users to discover new and engaging content. However, many users today are skeptical of platforms that personalize recommendations, […]Continue reading

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