15Five What Is an Employee Performance Review? Touching base. Checking in. Looking forward. These are all terms that should describe the ideal employee performance review. Best case scenario? A manager accurately communicates an employee’s performance in a way that encourages them to improve on their weaknesses while having a better sense of how they can […]Continue reading

Psychology Today: The Latest To tap into the hidden wisdom all around you, use these five steps to ask better questions of others—for better decisions, faster learning, and deeper relationships. Go to Source 26/04/2024 – 00:05 /Jeff Wetzler Ed.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Psychology Today: The Latest These suggestions can help us reorient ourselves to more satisfying uses of our minds and bodies. Go to Source 13/03/2024 – 03:04 /Lizabeth Roemer Ph.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Psychology Today: The Latest Is it time to stop scrolling social media? Try these strategies for a healthier online life. Go to Source 01/03/2024 – 18:02 /Nicole O’Donnell Ph.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

The Local You may have tasted kanelsnegle, romkugler and tebirkes, but have you tried these hard-to-find cakes yet? If not, you’re missing out. Go to Source October 8, 2022 – 12:07 pm / Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

The Local Life on a student budget doesn’t have to be tough in Denmark — follow these tips to get the most out of the experience at a low price. Go to Source September 20, 2022 – 6:03 pm / Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

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