Psychology Today: The Latest Many of us are currently facing financial stress. What can we do about it? Can therapy help? Go to Source 14/08/2024 – 07:34 /Courtney Crisp Psy.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

15Five What Is an Employee Performance Review? Touching base. Checking in. Looking forward. These are all terms that should describe the ideal employee performance review. Best case scenario? A manager accurately communicates an employee’s performance in a way that encourages them to improve on their weaknesses while having a better sense of how they can […]Continue reading

Psychology Today: The Latest Instead of having an endless list of “pet peeves,” what if you could learn to leave others’ preferences alone and take ownership of your own reactions? Go to Source 24/04/2024 – 00:03 /Mitch Abblett Ph.D. Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Coronavirus | The Guardian New research findings are contrary to what had previously been thought about pandemic’s effect on children’s wellbeingTeenage boys were hit hardest by the Covid lockdowns, with their mental health failing to recover despite the return to normality, according to the most comprehensive academic study of its kind.Early research into how lockdown […]Continue reading

15Five Most workplaces offer what they can when it comes to wellness, but is it enough?  Benefits coverage and the occasional wellness spending account don’t cut it anymore.  Only a quarter of U.S. employees feel their organization cares about their well-being—a significant drop from 50% pre-pandemic. To go above and beyond in wellness, today’s employers […]Continue reading

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