AWS Machine Learning Blog In today’s fast-paced corporate landscape, employee mental health has become a crucial aspect that organizations can no longer overlook. Many companies recognize that their greatest asset lies in their dedicated workforce, and each employee plays a vital role in collective success. As such, promoting employee well-being by creating a safe, inclusive, […]Continue reading

15Five Is your workplace a great place to work? That question describes employee experience in a nutshell. From before you hire them to well after you part ways with them, ”employee experience” defines the feelings, thoughts, and opinions an employee has about your organization. It encompasses all the interactions between employees and the organization, and […]Continue reading

15Five What Is an Employee Performance Review? Touching base. Checking in. Looking forward. These are all terms that should describe the ideal employee performance review. Best case scenario? A manager accurately communicates an employee’s performance in a way that encourages them to improve on their weaknesses while having a better sense of how they can […]Continue reading

15Five Successful employee programs rely on accurate data and insights, which is achievable only with the right tech stack. Some businesses lean on their HR Information System (HRIS) to fulfill all of the needs of HR leaders, including gathering insights into employee performance… but an HRIS on its own is ill-equipped to manage the demands […]Continue reading

15Five Knowing how to improve employee productivity is on every leader’s mind as organizations navigate return-to-office mandates, economic instability, and the impact of inflation. If you want to get the most out of your employees and support work efficiency, follow along for eight steps to improve productivity in the workplace. 1. Strategically align employee goals […]Continue reading

15Five Employee retention isn’t merely a challenge—it’s an ongoing effort that requires continuous foresight and strategy. At our second annual Thrive by 15Five conference, we held a breakout session titled “The Retention Roadmap: Plotting Your Course to Proactive Employee Retention”. The session was moderated by Emily Diaz, VP of Transform at 15Five, and brought together […]Continue reading

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