Psychology Today: The Latest Veteran journalist Perry Garfinkel undertook a fascinating experiment at a low point in his life: to live by Gandhi’s moral precepts for a year and see what happens. Go to Source 28/02/2024 – 03:03 /Mark Matousek Twitter: @hoffeldtcom

Workplace Psychology Back in 2013, I was contacted by a journalist (who’s now editor) for Fast Company about my thoughts regarding how U.S. firms are searching social networks for job applicants’ information. And while it’s been nearly 9 years since her article (link below in Reference section) was published, I feel that everything I shared […]Continue reading

I was contacted by a journalist writing a story about workplace communication, why human beings need human-to-human connection in the office, and whether technology can mimic or replace face-to-face human-to-human connection. She wanted to know if video teleconferencing apps and technologies are getting better at mimicking or even replacing face-to-face human-to-human connection. I am reposting […]Continue reading

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