MIT News – Artificial intelligence Since its launch in 2022, the MIT Morningside Academy for Design (MAD) has supported MIT graduate students with a fellowship, allowing recipients to pursue design research and projects while creating community. Pulling from different corners of design, they explore solutions in fields such as sustainability, health, architecture, urban planning, engineering, […]Continue reading

AWS Machine Learning Blog Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) models have emerged as a promising approach to enhance the capabilities of language models by incorporating external knowledge from large text corpora. However, despite their impressive performance in various natural language processing tasks, RAG models still face several limitations that need to be addressed. Naive RAG models […]Continue reading

AWS Machine Learning Blog This post is co-written with Aurélien Capdecomme and Bertrand d’Aure from 20 Minutes. With 19 million monthly readers, 20 Minutes is a major player in the French media landscape. The media organization delivers useful, relevant, and accessible information to an audience that consists primarily of young and active urban readers. Every month, nearly […]Continue reading

AWS Machine Learning Blog In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the rise of generative AI models has ushered in a new era of personalized and intelligent experiences. Organizations are increasingly using the power of these language models to drive innovation and enhance their services, from natural language processing to content generation and […]Continue reading

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